Saturday, May 19, 2012

Single Mothers

I was looking at my kids last night and thinking how blessed I am to have them in my life, but also thinking about the many moms that have to do it alone. I can't imagine how hard it must be to take on the roll of mother and father to a child, to try and provide everything and deal with all the road bumps on the way by yourself... Yeah, some "men" don't know what they're missing, how amazing and wonderful these little people are, and how great it is to be a part of their lives and walk side by side with them through everything good or bad. How amazing is it to see your baby's first smile, first steps, first words and day of school, there are so many firsts and amazing moments these so called dads will never be a part of, and they are the ones missing out on the most amazing things. 
I have 2 sons, and I'm gonna make sure they know that a child is made by two people and should be raised by these two! Not that I think you should get married because of a baby, but you can still be a very active part of a child's life without having to be married or living together. Men need to learn that there are so many ways you can show love, care and provide. 
But enough about them, I wrote this post today to say how amazing I think single moms are, I truly think they are the strongest people out there. Congrats to the many women who hold their heads up through all the hardships, provide and care for their children, you are HEROES! Or should I say SHEROES! 

"She's fixer of sinks and drier of tears, Anxious, yet valiant allayer of fears.
She works a full day, commutes home, and then She works another full-time job, 
She's master accountant, and counselor too, She sets aside worries to
 listen to you.
There's laundry and cooking and cleaning to do. Homework, then bath time
 A story or two.
She's finder of toys, and righter of wrongs. She's busy. She's tired. She's lonely. 
She's strong.
When the day is done, the kids safely in bed, No energy's left, for the thoughts in her head.
She turns them all off along with the lights. Crawls under the covers -
 Gives in to the night.
Before the rise of the sun She'll be up and back to it. There's no other option 
No one else to do it.

If you, too, know this woman (she goes by many names) Applaud her, 
she belongs to no ascribed hall of fame.
But a tacit sisterhood, Arduous like no other, Of extraordinary women Also know as
 Single Mothers."

I dedicate this post to my lovely sister, to many friends and any woman who have or are going through this. You are truly amazing!